Conditions Treated by
Traditional Chinese Medicine
The most common ailments presented to an acupuncturist tend to be pain related conditions. For example: arthritis, headache (tension, migraine, etc), back, neck, knee and shoulder pain, carpal tunnel syndrome and sciatica.
Traditional Chinese Medicine is a complete medical system that is capable of diagnosing and successfully treating a wide range of conditions.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has also listed several conditions as treated by Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine. As a Doctor in Oriental Medicine, Dr. Hong also specialize in treating these conditions:
Please note: Our clinic does NOT perform any type of pain injections, including those with natural substance like Traumeel, discus compositu, neralgo, gelsemim, etc because we believe in the power of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. You do not need to visit our clinic for painkiller injections, as these can be administered without our assistance. We also believe that a skilled Chinese medicine practitioner or acupuncturist can alleviate pain and suffering without relying on Western theories or allopathic medicine.
COVID19 - Long term effects
- fatigue, joint or muscle pain
- low grade fever, chill
- cough
- shortness of breath, chest pain, pounding heartbeat
- rash
- dizzy, poor concentration
- sleep problems
- digestive issues: diarrhea, stomachache
- depression, anxiety
- feeling "out of balance"
Facial Rejuvenation
- Reduce wrinkles on the face, forehead, cheeks, neck, hands
- tighten facial skin
- anti-aging skin rejuvenation
- blurring of acne scars
- stretch mark flattening and smoothening
- surgical and burn scar remodeling
- skin diseases such as ACNE, eczema, psoriasis, hives
Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat Disorders
Chronic sinusitis
Sore throat
Poor vision
Circulatory disorders
Gastrointestinal Disorders
Gynecological / Genitourinary Disorders
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
Irregular, Heavy or Painful Menstruation
Menopausal symptoms (ie hot flashes, night sweat)
Morning Sickness
Male & Female infertility support
Sexual Dysfunction
Immune Disorders
Smoking Cessation
Emotional and Psychological Disorders
Musculoskeletal and Neurological Disorders
Dermatological Diseases
Side effects of Radiation and Chemotherapy
Poor appetite
Hot flashes
Peripheral neuropathy
Strengthen immune system
Weight Control
Headache (cluster headache, tension headache, sinus headache, migraine, PMS headache, etc)
Hair loss
Other conditions not mentioned in above list, please contact us. However, we do not offer free consultation.